
Command the unliving
Command the unliving

command the unliving

Heroes may receive an emergency alert from SHIELD or hear about the assault on the depot on the news. Their goal is the plans for Baron Zemo’s ionic ray device, stored in a sub-basement of the building. The Melter dissolves the reinforced wall of the building and the villains deal with the SHIELD agents who try to stop them.

command the unliving

With his new Lethal Legion assembled, the Grim Reaper has Executioner use the Dimension Travel power of his enchanted axe to carry the villains to a SHIELD depot in Manhattan, where the agency has stored many devices and materials confiscated from super-villains over the years. The Executioner may wish to return to death, but the rest of us will soon have life and power beyond imagining, enough power to exact our revenge on the Avengers and destroy anyone who stands in our way!” Once you have done as I’ve asked, I’ll release you back to your so-called ‘eternal reward,’ but not a moment before.” “Why? Because I have need of your power, my friend, and so long as you are bound by the power of my dear Nekra’s ritual, you have no choice but to obey. “Why, Reaper? Why hast thou torn me away from mine eternal reward in Valhalla? Tell me before I strike the leering head from thy shoulders and send thy spirit to the darkest reaches of Hela’s domain!” Let’s listen in on the new Lethal Legion when their final member appears: The Executioner, at least, is not pleased about being called back to the world of the living. The Reaper has Nekra summon other villains from the afterlife, three former members of the Masters of Evil: the original Black Knight, the Melter, and Skurge, the Executioner. He makes some inquiries and comes up with a plan to rebuild Baron Zemo’s ionic ray, the device which transformed his brother, Simon Williams, into Wonder Man. In addition to gaining his revenge, the Reaper wants to restore himself and Nekra to life, to end their existence as undead. Once he is restored, the Grim Reaper and Nekra waste no time in preparing a new plan. The Reaper is Nekra’s equal in his capacity for hatred and vegenace, and Nekra herself thirsts for revenge against those who have wronged her: the Avengers, and all of humanity. Having escaped from servitude in the depths of a dark netherworld, Nekra, the mutant mistress of voodoo, performs a ritual to bring her lover, the Grim Reaper back to pseudo-life at her side. Strange can get knocked out or stunned by a surprise attack if he doesn’t have time to call on the Shields of the Seraphim. Remember, magicians have the Spell Focused limit on their powers, so anything they do won’t take effect immediately. The guest star hero should always be distracted by something at critical moments in the adventure, allowing the heroes to take center stage. The guest star is around to advise and help out the heroes, not solve the adventure for them (what a boring story that would be!). If you do use a guest star, be careful not to steal the heroes’ thunder. You can also bring in more obscure characters like the Midnight Sons or even Brother Voodoo to help out the heroes with the plague of villainous zombies. The Scarlet Witch is a good possibility for Avengers-related heroes.

#Command the unliving free#

Strange is the obvious choice when it comes to providing magical help and advice, but feel free to use whatever mystical hero you like. If the players aren’t running any magical heroes (and don’t want to, even for just one adventure) you can take the opportunity to introduce a guest star to help the heroes out with some of the weirder magical stuff going on around them. Plenty of the things in this adventure – zombies, voodoo, undead villains – are pretty creepy, outside the general experience of most heroes. With such tremendous power at his command, and a group of super-zombies at his back, the Reaper can then turn his attention towards destroying the accursed Avengers once and for all! Magical Guest Stars With their help, he plans to steal Baron Zemo’s ionic ray, stored in a SHIELD depot, and use it to turn himself into an ionic energy being like his brother, Wonder Man. With the help of his demon-lover Nekra, the Reaper raises some of the Avengers’ dead enemies as zombies and turns them into a new Lethal Legion. The adventure focuses around the Grim Reaper’s newest plan to restore himself to a form a life and gain revenge on the Avengers. You may wish to include a magical guest star to provide help and advice if none of the heroes have magical powers themselves. The Avengers themselves are well-suited for this adventure, as are any magical characters. “The Legion of the Unliving” is an adventure for any characters of roughly Avengers power level.

Command the unliving